AO6- Questionnaire analysis XLS

This is a print screen of my Excel worksheet about my questions and answered I received.

This is my presentation in which I have interpreted the results I have achieved.

These are the 'add notes' on the powerpoint
Q1: Out of the 11 people that responded to my survey, most of them (7) thought that the Armed Forces are not given the right amount of funding, and 4 people thought the funding was enough.

Q2: 5 of the 11 people who answered, thought the British Army did the most effective job. 2 people thought that the Royal Navy were the best at protecting us, along with 2 others for the RAF. Another 2 people skipped this question.
Q3: For this question, 5 people thought the Royal Navy were the least effective, along with 3 votes for the RAF. The British Army got no votes, which shows that out of the people asked, the majority prefer the British Army other the rest.
Q4: 4 people answered this question with the fact that they think the Royal Navy should have funding cut. 4 people also thought the RAF should be cut. The other 3 were either undecided or thought no one should be.
Q5: Out of the 11 people who answered this, 4 people said the British Army need more investment, 3 said RAF, 2 said Royal Navy, and another 2 said other areas should be invested in, like equipment, education and healthcare.
Q6: 6 people answered ‘Yes’ to this question, with 5 answering ‘No’. Over half the amount of people who answered thought that it was right to send them to Afghanistan. Reasons were because of war, peace, human rights, Taliban, democracy etc. They think because of these reasons, we should be there helping the country out.
Q7: Out of 11 people, 8 of them said the Domestic Public Services were not given the right amount of funding. They are suggesting that they need more money injected into these area’s to help them perform more effectively. The other 3 agreed with the amount of funding.
Q8: Out of 10, 7 people thought the Police Force were ‘Very Important’ in protecting us. The next highest ranking service in very important was the Fire & Rescue with 6 votes. They think they both do the best job in helping out. 2 people thought all of them were very unimportant. This is all down to public perception of the particular services. The people who said very unimportant may have had a bad experience with them and caused them to think the way they did.
Q9: Out of 11 people, the majority thought all 3 services did good and effective jobs in services provided. Only 1 person said one of them was poor (Ambulance). Everyone, on the whole, was happy with the services the Domestic Services provide saying they were either good or very good.
Q10: Only 9 people answered this question. Out of the 9, most people thought the British Army did the best job in protecting our country. (British Army-5, Poice-3, RAF-1). The least popular were the Ambulance service (with 3 people saying they were last, while 2 said Navy, 2 said RAF and 2 said Fire & Rescue). This shows that the majority are in favour of the British Army thinking they do a better job than the other 5.

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