AO4- Interviews


Jeremy Paxman interview with Boris Johnson
The interview involving Jeremy Paxman and Boris Johnson in a studio. They were both sat opposite each other but facing diagonally slightly. This makes the interview slightly less awkward because they are not sat straight on at each other and allows  more space for both of them. They were both sat on a similar chair which was at the same height level. This helped because one wasn't sat higher and didn't come over more dominant because of it. It also helped Boris Johnson feel less intimidated. The chairs were set less than a metre away from each other which made the interview a bit more intense because they were so close. It also meant the one being interviewed (Boris Johnson) had the interviewer (Jeremy Paxman) close, and ready to see when he made an error. They had no barriers between them which had an effect on the interview because it would have made Boris a little more nervous, knowing he is there and nothing is between them.

Body Language- During the interview, Jeremy Paxman was looking relaxed and sat back in his chair, while Boris was changing positions which shows he was nervous and Jeremy spotted that, interrupting him.

Interview Location and Recording Methods
Today, we learnt about how the locations of interviews differ and about the challenges of recording an interview.
There are two ways to record an interview. Writing it up or using a recorder.
Challenges:It is difficult for most people to multi-task, so write and listen at the same time.
Getting the relevant information for the answers given.

You can have interviews in various locations.
- Press/conference room
- Studio
- Office
- Classroom
- Police station (interrogation room)
- Sport pitches
- Street
- Crime Scenes

This work is a worksheet I have filled out about my interview I did.

This is an extra piece for it

This is the witness statement for my interview

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